Welcome to Creature Comforts Rescue Centre

                                         Welcome to Creature Comforts Rescue Centre

      We usually manage to re-home over 1,000 cats, dogs and other animals each year and that all because of you wonderful people. Keep up the good work folks !  
We will endeavour to place all rescue animals in homes that best meet their requirements. They leave with a lifetime contract which they have to sign stating that should their home be no longer suitable for whatever reason then they MUST be brought back to us and not passed on to anyone else. That's for the lifetime of the dog/animal. All dogs and cats will be microchipped so each of them have history that could be traced.  Sadly were not always told the complete truth about why an animal needs a new home or the whole truth about how and why the animal may behave the way it does, but we try our best . On occasion we have possibly  offended people by not allowing them to have an animal they believe they should have, as we do not feel it will be in the best interest of the animal, this is not done out of malice or  intent to offend but purely  because in our experience it is with the best of intent all round. There are a few people that can't take no for an answer, thankfully they are but a few  .


This is a FREE 5 week insurance for anyone who takes on a dog or cat from the centre.


The Centre is by appointment only. Sadly this site is not updated very regular so please join the facebook site .....   Creature Comforts Rescue Centre   to get the latest information on the many animals we get and are available. Creature Comforts Rescue Centre makes a huge financial loss each year even though all donations go directly to Creature Comforts no matter how small are we're always so very grateful. 
 Creature comforts does have its own bank account and direct debits can be set up , also the email address .....  recall_1395@hotmail.co.uk  is the paypal address so donations can be made this way .. thank you 


From your dog/best friend perhaps?

?My Will & Last my Testament (found on the net)

Befor humans die, they write their last will & testament, give their home & all they have, to those they leave behind. If, with my paws, i could do the same, this is what i'd ask...
To a poor and lonely stray , i'd give my happy home. My bowl & cozy bed, soft pillows and all my toys.
The lap, which i loved so much, the tender, loving touch.
The hand that stroked my fur & sweet voice which called my name.
I'd will to the sad, scared shelter dog, the place i had in my human's loving heart of which there seemed no bounds. So, when i die , please do not say, "i will never have a pet again, for the pain is more than i can stand," Instead, go find an unloved dog. One who's life has held no joy or hope, and give MY place to HIM. THIS is my inheritance! My Will & Last my Testament.

                                                        Creature Comforts ZUMBA

    We run Creature Comforts Zumba to help support the many bills here at the rescue centre. It also helps me keep myself fit enough to run this place. All income goes straight to Creature Comforts.  Please contact me if you have any enquiries about the classes we run.

What is Zumba?
Well Zumba is the fitness workout, it's fun + everyone can do it no matter their age or abilities.

I am licenced to take the classes and love the whole atmosphere that the class seems to bring. 
If you have or know of a hall/gym etc nr to where you live and would like Zumba classes there please let me know we're always looking for New venues to take the Zumba classes

                                        Mid Wales Dog Training & Splash Hydrotherapy.

      Are offering all dogs rehomed through Creature Comforts Rescue Centre training session.
Please folks take advantage of this very kind but great offer.

       Gail Gwesyn-Pryce & Carla @ Mid Wales Dog Training are very experienced dog trainers and behaviour councellor. Accredited and Certificated.. One to one lessons, group classes, puppies and adults, residential, activity & weightloss holidays for dogs. Guest instructor classes, competition training and basic manners for all pets.. 


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